Goal,Outcome And Components
Impact and Outcome
The expected impact (goal) of the programme is to increase agricultural income of rural poor especially the disadvantaged groups in Nepal.
The project will contribute to Nepal's goal of increasing agriculture GDP per capita and the area under irrigation.
The outcome of the programme is that:
- Small farmers especially from disadvantaged groups increase their productivity by managing and maintaining
farmers managed irrigation systems (FMIS).Disadvantaged farmers in target communities will have more
reliable and increased availability of irrigation water that will allow them to convert rain fed and suboptimal irrigated
areas under command of the irrigation systems to fully irrigated areas. Without access to water and control over it,
smallholders do not have a basis for commercial agricultural production.
The risk of losing their crop due to erratic rainfall or inadequate irrigation water deters the smallholder from investing
in high-value crop production. The ability to control water at critical stages of crop production is the single most
important factor for enabling smallholders to enter commercial agricultural production. With efficient utilization
of irrigation water, crop yields and cropping intensity are expected to increase by respectively 30% and 30% in the
projects within five years of construction.
- National (DoLI), and Local Governments respond to priority needs for FMIS. This will require uniform
policies, funding and implementation arrangements and treatment of beneficiaries. Through a one window approach a variety
of services will have to be provided to the FMIS ranging from construction of new irrigation facilities and major
rehabilitation/expansion of existing systems to targeted support for minor intervention to solve specific problems in
the irrigation systems. It will also require the building up and maintenance of comprehensive district small irrigation
inventories that would be operated as asset management systems.
Asset management is a systematic process of operating, maintaining, upgrading, and disposing of assets cost-effectively.
Programme Components
The programme will mainly focus on these components:
- Improved Irrigation Infrastructure
- WUAs irrigation system management
- Government Capacity Building
- Improved agricultural practices