Project Status Detail Summary Report

Outcome Status Summary

S.N. Indicators Target Achievement
2072-073 2073-074 2074-075 2075-076 Overall Status
1 Irrigated Area Covered by the Program (Ha) 15,000 838.17 4,288.20 2,611.22 6,005.46 13,743.05
Progress (%) 100 5.59 28.59 17.41 40.04 91.62
2 Total Beneficiary Households (No) 25,000 4,576.00 16,739.00 7,790.00 20,054.00 49,159.00
3 Beneficiary Households from Disadvantage group (%) 60 4.55 14.37 7.35 19.97 46.24
4 Women Headed Beneficiary Households (%) 10 0.59 3.41 1.83 5.32 11.15
5 Increment in yeild of major crops (at least %) 30
6 Increment in cropping intensity (at least %) 30
7 Increment in winter vegetable production (minimum %) 50
8 Replacement of cereal crop by cash crops (%) 25
9 Equitable contribution to O & M Fund (%) 100
10 Irrigation schemes functioning well after 3 years of completion (%) 80